Top Paper Award From NCA

In November, 2023, I was honored to receive a Top Paper Award from the National Communication Association (Basic Course Division)! I remain grateful to Vincent Russell, PhD as a great co-author and colleague, and to NCA and everyone in the Basic Course Division. In our paper, Vincent and I researched and synthesized the history of democratic theory in Public Speaking education, and we theorized about how communication education can (and should) influence public discourse in the future. Also proud to represent Western Carolina University.

The question now is…what next? There are a few unrelated projects brewing. But there’s a lot more to do with this project. I think some important next steps are to consider some feedback I received on the paper while presenting on it at NCA–helpful critiques related to the role of disability, in theories of citizenship. What does it mean to be a citizen? What counts as meaningful civic engagement? How can communication education help influence public discourse for the better? Can it? How does what we teach in universities even apply to broader public issues? What is and what is not ethical to ask of our students, when it comes to political engagement and communication? Lots to mull over.

My latest article on the BeReal App, for Flow Journal’s new Special Issue.

What do your various profiles on social media say about your authentic sense of self? What should they say?

Honored to have a column I wrote included in Flow Journal’s new special issue, on the social media app, BeReal. My column argues that BeReal potentially reshapes how social media platforms may impact identity development for users, especially young people. Social media spaces have become increasingly influential forces on how people understand and present themselves to the world, and if we want to understand social media as a tool–and as an aspect of our media environments–then we need to promote critical discussions like those prompted by this special issue!